Taverna San Lio
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Pursuant to Article 13 of the European Regulation No. 679/2016 (Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data) and in compliance with the Provision No. 229 issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority on May 8, 2014, tavernasanlio.it provides the following information about cookies, their functions, and how to disable them if desired.

What are cookies

Cookies are text strings that websites visited by the user store on the computer’s hard disk or on any device used to access the Internet (smartphone, tablet), to be transmitted back to the same sites on the user’s subsequent Internet accesses. Cookies can be stored permanently on the user’s computer and have a variable duration (so-called persistent cookies), but they can also disappear with the closing of the browser or have a limited duration (so-called session cookies).

Cookies can be installed by the site you are visiting (so-called first-party cookies) or they can be installed by other websites (so-called third-party cookies) and are used to perform actions such as computer authentication, session monitoring, and storing information about the activities of users accessing the site.

Cookies are classified into:

  • Navigation and functionality cookies: used respectively for authentication purposes and to improve the user experience (e.g., storing language preferences).
  • Analytical cookies: used by the site manager to collect information about users visiting the site.
  • Advertising cookies: used to send messages in line with the preferences of the users collected during web browsing.
  • Social cookies: used to allow interaction with social networks.

According to the legislation in force in Italy, explicit acceptance of cookies by the user is not required if they are identified as “technical,” i.e., aimed exclusively at the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network.

As per the indications of the Italian Data Protection Authority (see General Provision “Identification of simplified procedures for information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies – 8 May 2014”), the following are considered technical:

  • Analytical cookies where used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form, on the number of users and how they visit the site.
  • Navigation and functionality cookies.

According to the legislation in force in Italy, prior consent is required for the installation of profiling cookies. For this reason, when accessing the Site, a specific banner is displayed prominently, informing that profiling cookies are used and that, by closing the banner, scrolling the landing page, or clicking any element of it outside the banner (for example, an image or a link), consent is given to the use of such cookies.

How tavernasanlio.it uses cookies:

All types of cookies mentioned above can remain on the computer or mobile device used by the user for different periods, depending on the function they perform.

The cookies stored on the computer or mobile device cannot be used to retrieve any data from the hard disk, transmit computer viruses, identify and use your email address, or for purposes other than those described above.

How to change cookie settings

You can set and manage your cookie preferences at any time, selecting which cookies to authorize, block, or delete, in whole or in part, through the settings of your browser. Here are the paths to follow to manage cookies from the main browsers used:

For more information and details on various types of cookies, their functioning and characteristics, it is advisable to visit the sites – independent from this site – www.AllAboutCookies.org and www.youronlinechoices.com.

To disable analytical cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your navigation, you can download the Browser Add-on for Google Analytics Opt-out: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

tavernasanlio.it will store the user’s cookie preferences thanks to a specific technical cookie with the characteristics specified in the previous table.

We inform you that blocking or deleting, in whole or in part:

  • Technical cookies could make it impossible to use our site, view its contents, and take advantage of related services;
  • Functionality cookies could mean that some services or certain functions of the site are not available or do not work properly, forcing you to change or manually enter some information or preferences each time you visit the site;
  • Other cookies present (analytics and profiling) will not affect the functioning of the site.

Communication and dissemination of data

The data collected using cookies may be processed by employees and collaborators of the company functions responsible for pursuing the purposes indicated above, who have been expressly authorized for processing and have received adequate operational instructions. Such data may also be processed by companies we trust that perform technical and organizational tasks on our behalf. These companies are our direct collaborators and act as data processors. In particular, within the framework of data processing carried out through the Site, the company that takes care of the hosting and data backup service of the Site has been appointed. Furthermore, they may be processed by external subjects operating as independent controllers such as, for example, authorities and supervisory and control bodies. The data collected using cookies (e.g., Google) may be transferred to the United States of America and, in adherence to the relevant principles of the Privacy Shield, also for Google Analytics, the level of data protection has been deemed adequate by the European Commission in compliance with current legislation.

Your rights

By contacting the data controller by email at info@tavernasanlio.it, interested parties can request access to their data, its deletion, the limitation of processing in the cases provided for by Article 18 GDPR, as well as oppose the processing in cases of legitimate interest of the controller.

Furthermore, if the processing is based on consent or contract and is carried out with automated tools, interested parties have the right to receive the data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and, if technically feasible, to transmit them to another controller without hindrance.

Interested parties have the right to withdraw consent for profiling cookies, as well as to oppose cookies used for marketing purposes, without affecting the functioning and features of the site. Interested parties have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority in the Member State where they habitually reside or work or in the State where the alleged violation occurred.

Taverna San Lio

Taverna San Lio, a corner of tradition and modernity in the heart of Venice, offers innovative dishes and elegant rooms, each with a unique touch of color.

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